You can assemble the best project teams and meet all of your milestones and deliverables, but at the end of the day, your projects live or die by their financials.
And that means getting a handle on everything from investment planning and budgeting to cost management and chargebacks. The good news is that you donÕt have to a bean-counter to understand this, for only 20%% of IT project financials is accounting Ð the rest is all process.
In a clear and engaging style, Michael Gentle lifts the veil off things like portfolio management, capex and opex, depreciation, cost management and forecasting. YouÕll then understand why time entry is not going away anytime soon (sorry, folks!), and why chargebacks are so hard to implement.
Michael Gentle has over 25 years of experience in IT departments and software vendors in Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific. He is also the author of IT Success! and The CRM Project Management Handbook.