Product Information
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing v.17 is theonly typing software delivering the customized training you need in amotivating, engaging format. This flexible program is an ideal choicefor any would-be fluent typist, including students, email enthusiasts,and office professionals. Save time, work faster, and be more productiveat work, school, or home withthe trusted, award-winning expertise of Mavis Beacon! Let the#1 name in typing for 12 straight years guide your typing tutorials!Mavis Beacon will monitor your progress, flag your weak spots, andofferchallenging lessons to help you continue improving your keyboardingskills. Type better, email faster, and work smarter with MavisBeacon at yourside!
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing v.17 is theonly typing software delivering the customized training you need in amotivating, engaging format. This flexible program is an ideal choicefor any would-be fluent typist, including students, email enthusiasts,and office professionals. Save time, work faster, and be more productiveat work, school, or home withthe trusted, award-winning expertise of Mavis Beacon! Let the#1 name in typing for 12 straight years guide your typing tutorials!Mavis Beacon will monitor your progress, flag your weak spots, andofferchallenging lessons to help you continue improving your keyboardingskills. Type better, email faster, and work smarter with MavisBeacon at yourside!
Product Highlights
- The Media Center
- Ergonomic Evaluation
- Entertaining Arcade-Style Games
- Import MP3 Files
- Specialized Practice Area
- Lessons and Settings
- Progress Tracking
- Palm Powered - Download to your palm device and practice onthe go.
Product Features
- Exercise your typing fingers with more than 220 practicelessons and 80 custom lessons!
- Enjoy 14 entertaining arcade-style games that makepracticing fun!
- Enhanced user interface is compatible with widescreenlaptops and leaves the desktop more accessible even while the programis running.
- Make your learning even more efficient by customizinglessons to fit your needs.
- Download lessons to your Palm Pilot for easy portablepractice sessions!
- Jazz up your lessons by importing your own MP3 files tolisten to while you practice!
- Straighten up your keyboarding skills by correcting yourposture andphysical alignment with ergonomic evaluation videos.
Added Bonus
Included FREE as an Added Bonus with Mavis BeaconTeaches Typing Version17 Deluxe, refine your resume with The Print Shop Resume Pro.Makea great first impression and a lasting professional impact with aletter-perfect resume that makes your talents shine. Simple wizards andstep-by-step writing advice guarantee a finished product thats aspolished asyou are!
Included FREE as an Added Bonus with Mavis BeaconTeaches Typing Version17 Deluxe, refine your resume with The Print Shop Resume Pro.Makea great first impression and a lasting professional impact with aletter-perfect resume that makes your talents shine. Simple wizards andstep-by-step writing advice guarantee a finished product thats aspolished asyou are!
- Craft the perfect resume in no time with the convenientresume wizards.
- Enjoy the benefits of professionally designed resumetemplates.
- Edit your documents with a full-featured word processor.
- Browse sample resumes from a variety of professions.
- Use the multimedia career counselor for job search andinterviewingadvice.
Windows Requirements
- Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP
- 450 MHz Pentium III processor or faster
- 64 MB of RAM or more for Windows 98/Me
- 128 MB of RAM or more for Windows 2000/XP
- 16X CD-ROM drive
- 360 MB of free hard disk space (full install requires at least 550 MB)
- 16-bit color monitor
- 800 x 600 Resolution
- Windows compatible sound card
- Windows compatible mouse
Macintosh Requirements
- PowerPC G3 333-MHz processor or faster
- Mac OS 9.2, Mac OS 10.2.2 and higher
- 64 MB of RAM or more for Mac OS 9.2
- 128 MB of RAM or more for Mac OS 10.2.8-10.3.9
- 256 MB of RAM or more for Mac OS 10.4.X
- 16X CD-ROM drive
- 360 MB of free hard disk space (full install requires at least 550 MB)
- 16-bit color monitor
- 800 x 600 Resolution
Optional Requirements
Item Condition: New
- Internet Access
- A color printer with 300 dpi or better recommended
Item Condition: New